Monday, November 29, 2010

विश्वास को घात

 वर्तमान में लोगों में अविश्वास बढता जा रहा हैं। यह संकट इतना गहरा गया है कि इसने देश के भविष्य पर प्रश्न चिन्ह लगा दिया है। आज वो भारत जो कभी किसी जमाने में प्यार और विश्वास के लिए एक उदाहरण के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया जाता था। अब स्वयं अविश्वास के घेरे में है।  आज हर प्रकार से उसके विश्वास को ठेस पहुंच रही है। फिर वो चाहे सांसदों द्वारा रिश्वत लेेने का मामला हो या ऋषि सागर द्वारा मासूम बालिकाओं के यौन शोषण की बात हो और चाहे महाराज रामपाल प्रकरण का मामला ही क्यों न हो। इन सबने भारत की महान संस्कृति को तारतम्य कर उसके अस्तिव को ठेस पहुंचाई है। आज हर तरफ टूटती आशा, धोखा और विश्वासघात ही नजर आता है। जीवन में रिश्तों की अहमियत खत्म होती जा रही है। लोग अपने स्वास्थ्य को तवज्जों देते-देते मानवीय मूल्यों को नदारद करते जा रहे हैं जिसके उदाहरण प्रतिदिन टूटते रिश्तो व अविश्वास की घटनाओं से भरे समाचार-पत्रों में देख सकते हैं। हम प्रतिदिन एक लोकल समाचार पत्र में भी 15 से 20 ऐसी खबरें पढ 
सकते हैं जिसका मुख्य बिन्दु धोखा और विश्वासघात है। भाई द्वारा भाई की जान लेना, बेटे द्वारा गला घोटना, पत्नी द्वारा पति को धोखा देना जैसी अनेक खबरें समाचार-पत्रों की लीड के रुप में नजर आती है। यह बात केवल स्थानीय स्तर पर भी बढती जा रही है। फिर चाहे वो बात सासंदों द्वारा लोकतन्त्र की गरिमा पर कालिख पोतने की है या किसी स्कूल  निदेशक द्वारा मासूम बालिकाओं के यौन शोषण की हो इस प्रकार की शर्मनाक घटनाएं दिन प्रतिदिन बढती जा रही है लेकिन इनमें उनका क्या कसूर जो लोग दूसरों के प्रति अपना विश्वास कायम करते हैं। उस मासूम जनता का क्या कसूर जो अपने सांसदों पर विश्वास करके चुनती है कि वे उनके  क्षेत्र का 
विकास करेंगे और उन माता-पिता क्या कसूर जो अपनी बालिकाओं के सुनहरे भविष्य के विषय में सोचकर उन्हें विद्यालय भेजते है। सिर्फ ये ही नहीं इस प्रकार की और भी अनेक घटनाएं हैं जो हमारे चारों तरफ मधुमक्खी की तरह मण्डरा रही हैं और हमें असुरक्षित होने का अहसास दिला रही है। अब वो समय आ गया है जब मनुष्य को खुद को पहचानना होगा और अपनी स्वार्थपरता को दूर कर मानवीयता का चोला पहनना 
होगा। अन्यथा वो दिन दूर नहीं जब मानव अपनी जननी पर विश्वास करना छोड देगा और जन्म लेने से भी इनकार कर देगा। मनुष्य एक सामाजिक प्राणी है और उसकी दुनिया विश्वास पर टिकी है और उसके विश्वास का ऐसा दहन न हो कि दोबारा उसकी  ज्योति प्रज्वलित ही न हो पाएं अतः मानव को इस सृष्टि के अतिरिक्त को जानकर, अपनी तुच्छ इच्छाओं की बजाए रिश्तों को अधिक अहमियत देनी चाहिए और जान लेना चाहिए कि हरेक रिश्ते की बुनियाद विश्वास है और इसे घात न लगने पाएं।

Sunday, November 28, 2010

नूतन मीडिया की चुनौतियां

मीडिया और समाज का संबंध पुरातन से चला आ रहा है। अद्यतन समाज तक आते-आते इसके स्वरूप, विस्तार, गति, प्रस्तुति सबमें तुफानी बदलाव आए है। ढोल पीट कर सूचना देने वाले युग से लेकर मोबाइल पर क्लिक करके सूचना को  दुनिया के दुसरे कोने में पहुंचाने के युग तक आते-आते  मीडिया ने व्यापक पहुंच और पैठ तो बना ली लेकिन अपनी विशेषताओं के साथ-साथ इसने अनेक विक्षिप्तताओं को भी अपने-अपने दामण में उलझा लिया है। मीडिया का नूतन स्वरूप निसंदेह चमत्कारी, तेज, आकर्षक व बहुगुणी है किन्तु इन प्रतिभाओं के बावजूद नवमाध्यम  के कारण उपजी अनेक ऐसी समस्याएं है जिनके परिणाम स्वस्थ समाज व देश के लिए अतिकारी हो सकते है। इनमें इनर्फोमेशन ओवर लोड या सूचना अतिक्रमण, डिजिटल डिवाईड, एलीनेशन या अलगाववाद तथा वर्चुअल रियल्टी अर्थात आभासी दुनिया जैसी कुछ विकट समस्याएं हमारे समक्ष है।
           वैश्विक धरातल पर बसने वाले प्रथम दुनिया के देशों के लिए इंटरनेट की पंहुच बहुत सामान्य है। ऐसे देशों में ई-डेमोक्रैसी, ई-गर्वनेंस, ई-मीडिया अर्थात ई-भोग के बहुत चुस्त उपभोक्ता है जो ई-शक्ति का निचोड कर आनंद ले रहे है। दूसरी और बात यदि भारत जैसे विकासशील देश की करें तो इन देश की पहुंच में केवल ई-शक्ति की ई ही आई है। ई के केन्द्र में जाने के लिए इन देशों को अभी एक लम्बा अरसा लगने के कयास लगाए जा सकते है। ये कयास कोई हवा में छोडे गए तीर नहीं बल्कि विकासशील देशों की परिस्थितिक भावनाओं का आधारभूत निचोड है।  ई-लिटरेसी की दौड में तीसरी दुनिया के देशों को यदि पिछडा घोषित कर दिया जाए तो निसंदेह कोई आश्चर्य नहीं होगा । परन्तु ग्लोबल धरातल पर नवमाध्यम की पहुंच की असमान सुलभता कई नवीन खतरों का आगाज करवा जाती है। जिसमें से प्रमुख है डिजिटल डिवाईड।
 पल भर में आपको पूरी दुनिया से जोड देने वाले वेब  के शुरूआती विस्तार से ही इस प्रकार की आशंकाएं जताई जा रही थी कि कही वेब मीडिया किसी डिजिटल खाई को जन्म तो नहीं दे रहा। दुनिया के देशों में नवमाध्यम की असमान पहुंच का नाम डिजिटल डिवाईड है। इसमें तकनीक और सूचना सम्पन्न लोग एक तरफ होगंे और दूसरी तरफ वे लोग जिन तक नवमाध्यमों की रोशनी नहीं पहुंची है। वेब विद्वेताओं के अनुसार इस विभाजन में तकनीक सम्पन्नता प्राप्त लोग सूचना व तकनीक विहीन समाज के लोगों को अपने नियंत्रण में रखेंगे। इसमें कोई शक नहीं कि नवमाध्यमों ने तकनीक पर कब्जा कर दैनिक कार्यों की सुगमता को बढा दिया है। बस डर इतना है कि कही ये सुगमता केवल कुछ हाथों की मोहताज न बन जाए। 
एक समय था जब सूचना और सम्प्रेषण दोनों का अभाव था लेकिन तकनीकी  बयार ने नव माध्यमों के साथ विकासशील देशों में सूचनाओं की अति का भी नव आगाज किया परन्तु प्रश्न  यह है कि भारत जैसे एक अरब से अधिक आबादी वाले देश में जहां लोग रोटी के निवाले के लिए तरस रहे है  ऐसे में हर हाथ को कम्प्यूटर मिले और वो सूचना क्रांति व नव माध्यम का हिस्सा बनेगा इसका तय करना कठिन ही नही नामुमकिन है। दूसरा समाज का एक सूक्ष्म हिस्सा जो इसका उपभोग कर रहा है वो भी कुछ विकट समस्याओं का शिकार हो रहा है जो आने वाले समय में विकराल हो सकती है। इसमें से एक है वर्चुअल रियल्टी है अर्थात अभासी  दुनिया में मौजूद यथार्थ। इंटरनेट के तेज बढते कदम केवल व्यवसायिकता या समाजिकता को ही नही बल्कि  आम जीवन को भी प्रभावित कर रहे है।  
दुनियाभर के इंटरनेट उपभोक्ता आज इसके आदि हो गए है । वे इसके अत्याधिक प्रयोग के कारण काल्पिनक संसार में खो जाते है। इंटरनेट की आभासी दुनिया में खो कर वास्तिविकता से दूर हो रहे है।  वर्चुअल शोपिंग, वर्चुअल दोस्त, वर्चुअल रिश्ते, वर्चुअल-स्पेस इंटरनेट की ऐसी देन है जिसने वास्तविक आयमों को ठण्डे बस्ते में डाल दिया है। लोग इंटरनेट के इतने एडिक्ट हो जाते है कि वे अपने आस-पास की दुनिया से ही बेखबर हो जाते है। कई सर्वो के मुताबिक ज्यादातर इंटरनेट यूजर्स कई प्रकार की शारीरिक व मानसिक बीमारियों से ग्रसित रहते हैं।  तकनीक ने अभिव्यक्ति के लिए वैश्विक स्तर पर खुलामंच प्रदान किया है लेकिन ये खुलापन कई बार झगडे और मुद्दांे का अभिप्राय भी बन खडा होता है। आए दिन सोशल नेटवर्किग साईट पर होने वाले अभिव्यैक्तिक यु¬¬द्ध इसका एक स्वस्थ उदाहरण है।  ग्लोबल माध्यमों पर प्रसारित सूचनाओं का स्वर जहां वैश्विक स्तर पर गुंजता है वही इसकी सार्थकता और विश्वसनीयता का प्रश्न और भी गंभीर रूप ले हमारे सामने खडा हो जाता है। नव माध्यमों के वैश्विक विस्तार और विश्वसनीयता के साथ-साथ नियंत्रण का प्रश्न भी अहम् है। भारत सरकार ने 17 अक्टूबर 2000 को देश का पहला  संचार व सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी अधिनियम लागू किया। इस कानून के अनुसार इलैक्टानिक रूप से किये गए संचार व कारोबार को कानूनी मान्यता मिली। इस अधिनियम के द्वारा कम्प्यूटर जगत में होने वाले अपराध को भी रोकने के भी कई प्रावधान किये गए। इस कानून के तहत किसी भी प्रकार की अश्लील तस्वीर देखना व छोडना गैर कानूनी  माना । इंटरनेट के द्वारा किसी की सूचनाओं को चुराना, नष्ट करना अपराध है। रोक लगाना तो ठीक हैै पर सवाल ये है कि इंटरनेट एक ग्लोबल माध्यम है। भारतीय कानून की परिधि भारतीय सीमा तक कार्य करती है लेकिन आपके कम्प्युटर से गुप्त सुचना उडाने वाले को भारत आकर यह करने की आवश्यकता नहीं, दूसरे देश में बैठ कर साइट हैक करने के मामले दिन प्रति दिन बढते जा रहे है। इस प्रकार के तमाम मामले दिन   प्रतिदिन नवमाध्यम की प्रयोगात्मक असुरक्षा का अहसास करवाते है।
  नव माध्यम के यूजर बन कर हम असुरक्षा के घेरे में तो आ जाते है। असुरक्षा सिर्फ हमारे डाटा के चोरी होने की ही नहीं बल्कि बाल समाज पर हो रहे इसके खतरनाक प्रभावों की भी है। आज बच्चे इसके एडिक्ट होकर अपना शारीरिक व मानसिक नुकसान कर रहे है । इसके अलावा वे विभिन्न साईटों  को हैक करके साइबर क्राइम जगत में अपनी उपस्थिति दर्ज करवा चुके है। घरों में इंटरनेट होने से बालमन का सम्पर्क पोर्न सामग्री से हो रहा है जो उनके भविष्य के लिए अत्यंत घातक है। 
इसमें किंचितमात्र संदेह नही कि वर्तमान में नूतन मीडिया की अपार संभावानाओं ने तकनीकी द्वार तो खोल दिये है कम्प्यूटर व इंटरनेट क्रांति के आगाज ने रोजगार , शिक्षा, सम्प्रेषण, शोध प्रत्येक क्षेत्र को सुलभ बना दिया है लेकिन सुलभता के सही मायने तभी निर्धारित किये जा सकते है व जाएगें जब इसकी पहुंच आम जन तक होगी। आम जन से तात्पर्य ग्रामीण अंचल में बसे एक अनपढ से है। अपनी भावी तकनीक पर विचार करे तो बहुत सारे प्रश्न जहन में कोतुहल मचा जाते है। जैसे नवल माध्यम का प्रयोग करने के लिए क्या किसी विशेष योग्यता की आवश्यकता है। क्या इंटरनेट का प्रयोगकर्ता आभासी दुनिया में इतना तो नहीं खो जाएगा कि अपनी वास्तविक दुनिया को ही भूल जाए। एक अन्य प्रश्न यह भी है कि वैश्विक आबादी का एक बडा तबका जो इंटरनेट उपभोक्ता नहीं है वो किस प्रकार से इसका हिस्सा बन सकता है। ये कुछ चौनुतियां जो वैश्विक स्तर पर है पर भारत के संदर्भ में भी जुडी हुई है जिन पर विचार करने की आवश्यकता है।

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

M.A syllabus cdlu,sirsa

MA-Ist semester

Paper Code
Internal Assessment

MA-IInd semester

Paper Code
Internal Assessment

MA-IIIrd semester

Paper Code
Internal Assessment
Paper- XIII
Paper- XIV


MA-IVth   semester

Paper Code
Internal Assessment
Paper- IXX
Paper- XX


Ist Semester


Max. Marks: 80                                                                                   Pass Marks: 28
                                                                                                            Time: 3 hours
Communication: - Definition, Concept, Nature and Scope of communication.  Functions of communication, Elements of communication, Process of communication, Barriers of communication, Forms of Communication: Intra Personal, Inter Personal, Group Communication, public Communication, Mass Communication, Media of communication.

Models of Communication: - SMR Model, laswell formula, Osgood model, Dance’s Model, Gate Keeping model, Gerber’s model, Shramm’s model, New comb’s model,
Media Theories: - Bullet theory, Two-step & multi-step flow theory, Stalagmite theory, Agenda Setting theory, Cognitive Dissonance theory, Selective exposure, Perception & Retention theory, Cultivation theory, Marshal Mcluhan’s theory.
Mass Communication:- Definition, Nature, Scope & Features of Mass communication. Characteristics of the audiences of various Mass Media. Limitations of Mass communication, Demassification, Demystification, Future trends in Mass communication. Role of Mass communication in Development & Social Change in India.

Suggested Readings: -

1)                  Understanding Mass Communication-De fleur.
2)                  Mass communication Theory- Dennis Mecquail.
3)                  Theories of Mass communication-De f;eir.
4)                  Men, Messages and Media- Wilbur Schrumm
5)                  Introduction to Mass communication and Mass Media-William Francois.
6)                  Sanchar Sidhant Ki Rooprekha –Dr. Prem Chand Patanjali
7)                  Communication and social development in India-B. Kuppuswmi
8)                  Introduction to Mass Communication.- Jay Black and Jenning Bryant.
9)                  The story of Mass Communication in India. – Gurmeet Singh Maan
10)              Handbook of Journalism & MassCommunication. -Vir Bala Aggarwal & V.S. Gupta.
11)              Mass Communication in India – Kewal J. Kumar
12)              Sanchar Ke Mool SidhantOm Parkash Singh
13)              Sanchar Ke Sidhant – Sewa Singh Bajwa, Aftab Publishers, Mandi Gobindgarh, 2003.
14)              Handbook of Journalism & Mass Communication by D. S. Mehta.


General English

Max. Marks: 80                                                                                   Pass Marks:  28
                                                                                                            Time: 3 hours
-          Words (vocabulary of about 1000 words drawn from commonly used English Newspapwers).
-          Practice of the following in
English Language
Tense, Narration, Prepositions, one-word substitution
Sentence making and punctuation
-          Practice of the following in English Language
-          Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Verb, Articles,
-          Practice of the following in English Language
-          Synonyms/ antonyms, singular/plural, active/passive.
Unit IV
-          Comprehension, Precis Writing, Essay Writing , Letter writing

Paper – III

Computer Application

Max. Marks –80                                                                      Pass Marks-28
                                                                                                Time: 3 hours


Introduction to Computer, Generations and basics, Computer parts: Software, Hardware and Peripherals, Application of MS Office, MS Windows.

Unit- II

Designing and Layout: Basic concepts like columns, gutter space, kerning, editing, alignment, text formatting, vector and bitmap graphics, colour concepts.


Page Maker: Features, basic use creating a file, text formatting, placing graphics, photoshop

Unit –IV

Use of Printer and Scanner, Power Point, Excel, Internet, Origin, Growth, Scope and Administration. LAN, MAN and WAN, Co-axial Cable, Optical fiber and WAP.

Suggested Books:
1.      Computer Fundamentals by P.K. Sinha Published by BPB Publications.
2.      Web Technologies A Systematic Approach by Dr. Archana Kumar UDH Publications and Distributors Ltd.
      3.   The ABC’s of Internet, Crumlish, 1998, BPB publications, New Delhi.

Paper –IV


Max. Marks –80                                                                      Pass Marks-28
                                                                                                Time: 3 hours
News: Concept, Definition, Elements and News Value. Sources of News, Methods & techniques of Newsgathering. News reports Structure. Types of Reporting: Investigative, Interpretative, Crime, Education, Science, Sports, Political, Parliamentary, Election, etc. Scoops, Backgrounders, Follow-ups & Exclusive stories, Lead: Definition, Importance and Kinds of Leads, Qualities and Responsibilities of a Good Reporter.
News Room Organization & Operations Sources of News Copy. Qualities & Functions of News -editor and Sub-editors. Concept and Purpose of Editing, Principles of Editing & Editing Symbols. Headlines: its Purposes & kinds, Dummy, Page Make-up. Layout, Types of Layout, Types of Layout, Editing on Computers, Caption Writing, Photo Journalism, Photo Feature, News Agencies.
Fundamentals of Good Writing. Feature: Definition, Concept & Types. Difference between News, Feature, Article, Editorial, News Analysis. Collection of Information, Role of Illustrations. Syndicate Features, Syndicate Journalism, Writing for Magazines, Review Writing, Essentials of a Good Feature, Free Lancing. Editorial: Concept, Types & Importance. Editorial page Contents, Columns and Columnists. Editor’s Mail.
History of Indian Press, Role of Press in Freedom Movement, Vernacular Press in Pre-Independence era. Contribution of James Augustus Hickey, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, James Silk Buckingham, Mahatma Gandhi, B. G. Tilk. Historical development of The Tribune, Hindustan Times, The Times of India, The Hindu, Anand Bazar Patrika. Important personalities of Indian Press in Post- Independence era. Development of Press in Haryana.
Suggested Readings:

1)                  Journalism in India by Rangaswami Parthasarathi, Sterling, New Delhi.
2)                  Professional Journalism By M. V. Kamath, Vikas, New Delhi.
3)                  The Press by Chalpathi Rau, National Book Trust, New Delhi.
4)                  Journalists Handbook by M. V. Kamath. Vikas, New Delhi.
5)                  Complete Digital Photography by Ben long.
6)                  Basic Photography by M. J. Long ford.
7)                  Focal Encyclopedia of Photography.
8)                  News Reporting & Editing by K. M. Srivastava.
9)                  Patra Karita Ke Mool Sidhant by Navin Chandra Pant (Hindi).
10)              Media Lekhan by Ramesh Chandra Tiwari & Pawan Aggarwal ( Hindi).
12)       Understanding Journalism, Burns, Vistaar Pub. New Delhi.
13)              Digital Sub-Editing & Design, Ruinn, Focal Press.
14)              Visual Communication, Images & Messages, Lester 3rd Ed.
15)              Ethics of Cyber Space, Hamelink, SAGE Publications.
16)              Outline of Reporting, M.K. Joseph, Anmol Pub.
17)              Nai Patarkarita Aur Samachar Lekhan, Savits Tidha, Takshila Pub.

Paper –V
Advertising & Marketing
Max. Marks –80                                                                      Pass Marks-28
                                                                                                Time: 3 Hours


Definition, Function, Nature and Scope of Advertising, Evolution and Growth of Advertising, Classifications of Advertising, Parts of Advertisement Copy, Creativity and Concept,  Appeals in advertising, Copy writing for Print and Electronic media Advertisements, Public Service Advertising, Socio-economic effects of advertising, National and Global Advertising scene, New trends in Advertising.


Advertising Budget-an overview, Pre-budget thinking, Methods of determining Advertising Appropriation, Monitoring and Control of budget, production and Cost Analysis, Advertisement Campaign: Commercial & Social Campaign, Campaign planning, Preparing campaign for the launch of a product, Media Planning, Media Characteristics – advantages and disadvantages of various Media, Outdoor, Indoor and Transit advertising, Commercial & Non- commercial, Regional, National & Co-operative, Govt. advertising, Comparative advertising


Concept and Definition of Marketing, Marketing Concepts – Approaches to Marketing – Study Approaches and Functional approaches – Marketing Process – Functions of Marketing, Marketing Planning – Nature, Process and Contents of Marketing Plan- E-Commerce and Internet Marketing, Entrepreneurship, International Marketing, Marketing Management , , Marketing Strategy , Nonprofit Marketing , Product Management , Personal Selling , Principles of Marketing, Promotion Management Quantitative Business Analysis, Relationship Marketing, Retailing,


Sales Management, Services Marketing, Business and Society, , Customer Relationship Management, Micromarketing ,Principles of Marketing, Services Marketing, Strategy Supply Chain , The changing marketing environment – Analyzing needs and trends in Macro Environment, Technical Environment, Political Environment and Socio-cultural Environment Marketing Mix-5 P’s of marketing
Books Recommended
1.         Marketing Management – Philip Kotler
2.         Fundamentals of Marketing – Stanton
3.         Marketing Management – V. S. Ramaswamy and S.        Namakumari
4.         Principles of Marketing  9th Edition – Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong
5.        Advertising: A Critical View by Kewal J. Kumar, Nirali  Prakshan Pune, 1992.
6.         Advertising Theory & Practice By S. A. Chunawala.
7          Advertising Management Concepts 7 Cases by Mahender Mohan, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co ltd. New Delhi 2000.
8.         Advertising by Jail Shri Hethwaney, Phoenix Publishing, New Delhi, 1999.
9.         Advertising Management by B. S. Rathore.
10.       Advertising Principals  & Practices by Chunawala & Sethia.

Media Practices (Practical)
Max. Marks –100                                                                                            Pass Marks-40
In this Paper the students will have to submit the following Practical Assignments by 31st December in the format given belosw. An External & an Internal examiner will evaluate these assignments as follows
Sr. No.                         Assignment                                         No of Items
1.                                 News Reports                                     Six (3 Hindi, 3 English)
2.                                 Articles                                                Two
3.                                 Features                                               Three
4.                                 Film Review                                        Two
5.                                 Book Review                                      One
6.                                 Travelogues                                         Two
7.                                 Photo Features                                    ,,
8.                                 Caption Writing                                  Five (3 Hindi, 2 English)
9.                                 Radio News Bulletin (Script)             Two (1 Hindi, 1 English)
10.                               TV.      ,,          ,,          ,,                        ,,        ,,          ,,
11.                               Editing of TP                                      Ten
12.                               Radio Adv. (Script Writing)               Six (15”,30” 1 min.-2Each)
13.                               TV.      ,,                      ,,                      ,,          ,,          ,,
14.                               Print Adv. Classified                          Five
                                                Display                                    Two
                                                Classified Display                   Three
15.                               Preparing Log sheet/Cue sheet           Two
16.                               Pamphlet, Poster, Folder                     Three Each
17.                               News Reading sessions                       Five
18.                               Panel Discussion (Current Affairs)     Two Per Group                      
1.                  Letter to the Editor
2.                  Features
3.                  News Reporting
4.                  Radio Talk/News Reading/Anchoring etc.
5.                  TV News Reading/Anchoring etc.                                                                

   II nd semester

                                                Paper –VII
                                    Communication Skills
Max.Marks:80                                                                         Pass Marks:28
                                                                                                Time:3 Hours
            Essentials of communication skills, small group communication techniques, group discussion etc., public speaking techniques, body language-verbal and non-verbal cues, interviews-kinds of interviews-as interviewee, as interviewee, Workshops: mock interviews, group discussions, JAM sessions.
            Dress codes, study skills, how to improve your reading, making notes, written communication; content, structure, drafting a letter, reports, minutes, memos and notices, presentation communication, pre- presentation, presentation skills ,post-presentation follow up
Presentation aids; Audio aids, visual aids, audio-visual aids, printed aids, computer aided presentation, use of power point, Meetings: convening-preparation-managing-post meeting.  Follow up organizing, meeting manner, presiding over meeting-participating in a meeting.
Creative writing, fundamentals, structure and content of writing, writing news analysis & backgrounders, book, film, TV reviews, photo features, photo editing and caption writing, writing presentation, language of writing, preparation of resume, official correspondence and report writing.

Paper -VIII                            
Traditional Folk Media
Max. Marks- 80                                                                                  Pass Marks-28
                                                                                                           Time: 3 hours
Evolution of human society, humanV/s animal society, means, methods of communication in primitive societics, meaning, nature, forms-& characteristics of trib, caste, chan & family, Indian  theories of  communicating customs, rituals- Concept, nature and forms, traditional modes of advertising peculiarities of a traditional society, traditional personality.  Customs, rituals-concepts, nature and forms, traditional modes of davertising peculiarities of a traditional society.  Traditional personality.
Introduction to Traditional folk media its characteristics and advantages, tradition, concept, nature and definition. Traditional Folk variety in India, Folk dances Vis-à-vis classical dance. Traditional Games and Sports, Folk Lore, Folk tales, Sayings, Riddles. Folk Music with special reference to Dhalo, Rouf, Chakri, Garba, Kajari, Bhatiali, Kolkali Pattus, Boli, Ragini and Panihari.
Folk Theatre: Its Concept Nature Characteristics and Advantages, folk theatre forms in India: Tamasha, Nautanki, Yakshagna, Powada, Jatra, Bhavai.IPTA- its formation & role in the promotion of street plans in India. Prominent & folk theatrists of India. Puppetry  - it concept, forms and principles role and significance of puppetry as a traditional form.
Ballad: Its concept and forms with special reference to Alha, Villupatlu, Jugni, Vaar, Prominent Ballads of India, Role of Traditional Media in spreading social, economic and political awareness, reach & limitations of traditional folk media, impact of electronic media on folk media , relevance  of folk media in 21 st century.  Challenges for survival, folk media-as the voice of people.  Peculiarities of Traditional Folk Media in North India.
Suggested Readings
1.                  Traditional Folk Media in India by S Parmar, Geka Books, New Delhi-110027
2.                  Folk Music and Mass Media by S. Parmar, Communication Publications, Tagore Garden, New Delhi.
3.                  The Speaking Tree: Study on Indian Culture and Society by Richard Lanmerg, oxford University Press.
4.                  Folk Theatre in India by Gargi, Balwant University of Washington Press.
5.                  Lesser Known Forms of Performing arts in India by Mukhopadhyay  Durgadas, Sterling Publications, New Delhi



Public Relations

Max. Marks- 80                                                                                  Pass Marks-28
                                                                                                 Time: 3 Hours
Unit I:

Public Relations: concept, definition, evolution and history of PR.Present status and future of PR in India.  Principles of PR, PR and Allied disciplines:Publicity, propaganda, lobbying, public opinion and attitude mobilization.  Tools of Public Relations Publics in PR: internal and external public, house journal, PR in private sector.  Basic  Principles of Govt.  publicity, image building in public & private sector.

PR Campaign and Publicity: PR campaign-target audience, objectives, Media relations, press conference, media briefings, interviews, meetings, seminars, workshops, process of developing an corporate identity, role of PR in damage control & crisis management, corporate communication: Planning, management and execution, case studies in corporate communication. Functions and responsibilities of PRO, feedback and evaluation.
Benefits of Public Relation, environment for  Public Relations, concept of publics, ways of organizing publics, cultural and gender differences, sensitivity to cultural issues, PR and distinguished from marketing, relationship & duties of the PR practitioner-value of IPR code& the International codes of conduct, press relation & its principles.
Event management, role & importance of exhibitions, objectives of the exhibitions, Importance of direct contact, concept of neutral territory, PR for an exhibition, role of the Press in promotion of an event, publicity inputs or visible aids for promoting an event, trade fair: Uses & abuses, the News release-seven point formula& its importance, writing techniques, Press event & organizing, role of photography in PR, importance of marketing research for the PR Practitioner.  PR in developing  countries.

Suggested Readings:_
1.                  Handbook of Public Relations in India by D.S.Mehta, Allied Publishers, Bombay
2.                  Public relations- Problems & Prospects by Anul Basu, 1990.
3.                  Corporate Public Relations By K. R. Balan, 1992, Sterling Publisher Pvt.Ltt. New Delhi.
4.                  Handbook  of Public relations & Communication By Philip Lesley, 1991, 2nd edition, Jaico Publication, New Delhi.
5.                  Targeted Public Relations by Robert W Bly, 1993, Heny Hold & Co. New York.
6.                  Applied  Public Relations & Communication  by K.R. Balan, 2000 Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
7.                  This is PR: The Realities of PR, 7th  edition, Newson, Tusk, Krskerberg, Wards worth.
8.                  Public Relations Concepts, Strategies, & Tools by jaishri jethwaney, Adadsh K. Varma & N.N. Sarkar.
9.                  Public Relation in India by M.N.Kaul.
10.              Effective PR by Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Center & Glen m Broom.
11.              PR Writings & Media Techniques by Dennis L. Wilcox & Lawrence W. Nolte.
12.              Making PR Work by Sushil Bahl New Delhi Wheeeler Publishing, 1994.

Electronic Media

Max. Marks- 80                                                                                  Pass Marks-28
                                                                                                 Time: 3 Hours
Unit I:
Radio as a Media of Communication, FM Radio, Vividh Bharti, external service  AIR, Prasar Bharti, community radio, privatization of radion broadcasting in India, news bulletin; compilation & presentation; radio newsreels, spotligh, talks, interviews, panel discussion, script writing for radio news, talks, radio announcements.  Qualities of a good announcer.


TV Production equipments, single camera and multi camera production, TV software production, news reporting: sources of news, selection, and presentation, news reading.News presentation on Satellite TV channels.  TV Interviews and studio discussions, basics of TV script writing.  Editing of TV news,growth of cable and satellite TV channels, DTH, new trends in entertainment & current affairs programmes. Impact of TV on society.
Films as a medium of communication, introduction to films, commercial and parallel cinema, contribution of Shyam Benegal, Bimol Roy, Raj Kapoor, Satyajit Ray, V. Shanta Ram, planning & productiorrn of a feature film, script  writing for films, role & duties of film director & producer, film reviews, Box-Office, issued and problems of Indian cinema, impactof films on society. Film censorship, indoor & out door shooting,dubbing, current trends of hindi film industry.  Plight of regional cinema in India.


Radio Studio: Audio equipments, use of sound bytes, radio-bridge, phone in programmes.  Voice Training: enunciation, flow, pause, pronunciation, and modulation,unlinking, down linking, terrestrial transmission, satellite transmission, digital transmission.  TV Studio set-up, cues & commands.  TV anchoring, piece-to-Camera, use of teleprompter, camera parts, types of shots, camera movements, editing equipments, editing techniques: cut, mix and dissolve.
Suggested Readings:
1.                  Video Production Handbook by Millerson Gerald, Focal Press, 1987.
2.                  Working with Video: A comprehensive guide to the world  of Video Production by Winston Brian & Julia Keydal Pelham Books, London.
3.                  T.V. Production Handbook by Zettle Herbert
4.                  Creative Radio Production by E.H. Siegal, Focal Press, 1992
5.                  Telivision Production  by Gerald Millerson
6.                  The Video Studio by Alan Birmingham
7.                  Radio and TV Journalism by K.M.Shrivastava
8.                  Writing  your own Script and Speeches by bSuzan and Mathur
9.                  News Writing for Electronic Media by Denial E. Garvey
10.              Broadcasting Technoloty by Dr. H.O. Srivastav.
11.              Video Camera Techniques by Millerson Gerald Focal Press.
12.              The Technique of Film Editing by Karel Reisz
13.              The Use of Microphones by Glen Elkin
14.              Our Films Their Films by Satyajit Ray.
15.              The New Indian Cinema by Aruna Vasudev, Macmillan, New Delhi



                        Paryojak Mulak Hindi

Max. Marks- 80                                                                                  Pass Marks-28
                                                                                                 Time: 3 Hours
Question paper for each theory paper will have two questions form each of the four units.  Student will be required to answer any one-question form each unit.Unit V of the question paper will have six questions out of which the student will be required to answer some questions in Hindi and others in English  but  with in an answer to a question the language should be pure( not bilingual) and correct.
bdkbZ &,d Hkk"kk
fgUnh Hkk"kk dk laf{kIr fodkl Øe
fgUnh dh fyfi ,oa cksfy;ksa dk laf{kIr ifjp;
'kCndks"k  mi;ksx ,oa egRo
bdkbZ&nks 'kCn ,oa okD; lajpuk
fgUnh esa 'kCn lajpuk ,oa iz;ksx% laf/k] lekl] milxZ] izR;;] i;kZ;okph] foyksekFkhZ] vusdkFkhZ] lewgkFkZd 'kCn ¼dsoy O;kogkfjd] O;kdj.k dsoy ifjpk;Red½
ize[k eqgkojksa ,oa yksdksfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx
Nan ,oa vyadkjksa dk mi;ksx
bdkbZ&rhu mPpkj.k ,oa orZuh
mPpkj.k ,oa orZuh nks"k
x|kaa'k ikB% izokg] rkjrE;;rk] cyk?kkr ,oa fojke
'kq} mPpkj.k ,oa orZuh dk vH;kl
bdkbZ& pkj ehfM;k Hkk"kk
ehfM;k esa Hkk"kk dk iz;ksx ,oa egRo
ehfM;k dh Hkk"kk dh izd`fr ,oa fo'ks"krk,a
lekpkjksa dh foKkiuksa esa mi;ksx gksus okys yksdfiz; ehfM;k dh Hkk"kk esa u, izpyu ehfM;k dh Hkk"kk ds fodkl ,oa leL;k,a 



Max. Marks- 100                                                                               Pass Marks-40

Each student will have to undergo SIX weeks of Internship in some Media Organization of High Repute from Ist June to 12th July Students will have to produce a CERTIFICATE issued by the Director/Editor/Manager/Chairperson etc. of the concerned Organization regarding their PERFORMANCE, DISCIPLINE & ACTIVITIES during the course  of Field training.  The report must be submitted to the Chairperson of the Department before 20th   July.  A panel of Experts constituted by the chairperson will conduct the viva for the Internship Assessment.


Communication Research
                                                                                                 Time: 3 Hours


Concept, Need and Importance of Communication Research, Pure Basic and Applied Research, Evaluation, Feedback and Feed forward Studies, Hypothesis: Meaning, Need, Types and Importance.  Media Research Print ,Electronic, Advertising, Public Relations.


Research Design: Experimental, Benchmark, Longitudinal Studies, Panel Studies, Empirical Studies.  Methods and Techniques of Communication Research: Census, Sampling, Survey, and observation, Case Study, Interviews, Content Analysis and Historical Method.  Qualitative and Quantitative Research.


Questionnaire:Purpose, Preparation and Administration.  Types of Questions.  Qualities of Good Questionnaire Sources of Data: primary, secondary and Tertiary Sources.  Codin, Classification, Tabulation of Data.  Data Analysis and Interpretation.Field Studies, public Opinion, Telephonic Survey, Online Poll,Pre-Poll Studies and Exit Polls.


Statistical Analysis Techniques: Mean Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Regression, Co-relation, Chi-square, Analysis of variance, Levels of Measurement.  Test of Reliability and Validity.  Research Report: Purpose, Contents and Characteristics.  Foot-notes, Index, Bibliography.  Problems in Communication Research.  Communication Research as a tool of reporting.  New Trends in Communication Research, New Trends in Communication Research in India.

Suggested Readings:
1.                  Content Analysis by Klaus Krippendorf
2.                  Foundations of Behavioral Research by Fred N. Kerlinger
3.                  Communication Stempel & Westley
4.                  Questioning the Media by John Dewing
5.                  Research in Mass Media by S.r.Sharma
6.                  Issues in Mass Communication by J.S.Yadav& Pardeep Mathur
7.                  Research Methodology by R.N.Trivedi, D.P.Shukla
8.                  Doing Media Research by Susana Horing Priest
9.                  Introduction to Communication Research by John.C.Reinard
10                Wimmer-Mass Media Research
11                Research Methodology by Kothari
12                Media Shodh by Manoj Dayal
13                Sanchar Khoj Vidhi by Sewa Singh Bajwa
14                Research Mehtodology: a Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners, Sate
15                Media Research: Dominque & Whimmer
16                Research Methodology, Rajni Kothari
17                Fundamentals of Statistics, Gupta& Kapoor.

General Awareness-I

Max. Marks- 80                                                                                  Pass Marks-28
                                                                                                 Time: 3 Hours


Indian Social System, Emergence of Caste System,Indian Family Concept, Gandhian Philosophy, Modernization to Indian Society.


History of Ramayana & Mahabharata, The Bhagwat Geeta, The Bible, The Holy Quran, The Guru Granth Sahib, Mughal Period, British Period, Freedom Struggle


Culture& Science Concept of Culture, Civilization of India, Laws of Newton, Important Performing Arts of India


Indian Economic System,  Five Year Plans, Mixed Economy, Liberalization & Globalization, Entry of MNCs, Swadeshi vs. MNCs, Industrial Institutions of  India  like SEBI,RBI, FICCI,CII, Green Revolution, White Revolution, Blue  Revolution

Suggested Readings:
1.                  General Awarness: V.S.Gupta
2.                  General Current Awarness: Unique Publication,N.Delhi
3.                  General Knowledge Advance: Tata Mcran
4.                  Indian Economy by Rudra Dutt.
5.                  Govt. of India Survey Book
6.                  Survey of India Industries ,2009

Mass Media: Structure and Management

Max. Marks- 80                                                                                  Pass Marks-28
                                                                                                 Time: 3 Hours


Organization and Administrative Structure of Prasar Bharti & Private Channels.  Ownership and Control of Radio & TV in India.  Setting up of Community Radio.    Cinema as an Industry in India, Various Organizations Associated with Indian Cinema i.e. FTII, Film Censorship Board, National Film Archives, Childrens Film Society of India.


Organizational Structure of Newspapers and Magazines, Ownership and Control of Newspapers & Magazines.  Kinds of Managements.  Managing Internet Edition of a Newspaper.  News Print Policy.  Entry of foreign Print Media in India, Problems of Small scale Newspapers.


Advertising Agency: Structure, Organization and Functions of various departments of Ad. Agencies. Advertising Campaigns, Ad. Agency Commission System, Empanelling of Ad Agency, Interface of Various Departments of an Ad. Agency.  Advertising on Internet.  Apex bodies in Advertising.  AAAI, ABC, ASCI.


Structure and Functions of Government PR Departments, Functioning of PR Departments in Corporate Sector.  PR Campaign, Empanelling of PR Consultancies.  Structure of PR Department  in Haryana.  Difference between the Duties of a PRO in Govt. Department vis-a vis Corporate Sector .PR organization-PRSI, IPRA,PIB.

Suggested Readings:
1                    Advertising Management by Rajiv Batra, Hon G. Myres, David A. Aaker, Prentice hall of India, new Delhi, 2004.
2                    Media Organization Management by pedmand, Ttrayer biztantra.
3                    Radio  Parsaran by Kaushal Sharma, Pratibha Parkashan,New Delhi,2004
4                    Media Ownership by Doyle, SAGE.
5                    Janmadhiam Sidhantaki by Jagadshiver Chaturvedi, Sudha Singh, Anamika.
6                    Newspaper Marketing in India by NVR Jyoti, Anmol.
7                    Creativity in Management by Srinivas Shervani, Deep & Deep Pub, New Delhi.
8                    Samacharpatar Parbandhan by Dr. Gulab Kothari.
9                    Newspaper management by . Dr. Gulab Kothari
10                Newspaper management by Dr. Sanjeev Bhanavat.
11                A Handbook of Journalism & Mass Communication by Vir Bala, V.S.Gupta, Concept Pub. New Delhi.
12                Electronic Media Management. Albaran Wadsworth  Publication .
13                News Paper Management:by Gulab Khotari.

 TV Production Techniques
Max. Marks- 80                                                                                  Pass Marks-28
                                                                                                 Time: 3 Hours

TV as medium of communication, Origin and growth, Characteristics of Audience, Stages in TV Programme Production, Script writing, Types of scripts, programme production techniques, TV studio, Types of CAMERAS, Lenses basic shots Microphones, Lighting, Floor planning, Duties of the TV Crew.


TV News, Principles code, Sources Writing, News telecast techniques, Programmes for special audience- Women, Youth, Children, Farmers, Students, Panel discussion, Interviews, Talk shows.


Indoor Outdoor Shooting, Location survey, Documentaries, Dramas, Variety programmes, Role of producer, Studio operations, SITE ETV Cable Television, Video revolution


A brief history of films, Characteristics Silent era, Talkies popular cinema in 1950s, New wave cinema, Types of films, Stage in film making, Sound recording, Post production, Animation techniques, Film reviews, Film appreciation.
Books Recommendations:
1.                Broadcasting in India:P.C.Chatterjee
2.                TV Programme production:G.B.Millerson
3.                Television in India:R.N.Acarya
4.                Making a Television programme: Breyer-Johnson
5.                TV for Education and Development :B.s.Bhatia
6.                Now the Headlines:S.P.Singh
7.                TV News writing, Editing Filming, Broadcasting:I.E.Fang
8.                A handbook for script writers:B.W.Welsch
9.                Our films and their films: Satyajit Ray
10.            Indian cinema today: Kabita Sakar
11.            The Art of film: Lindgrad
12.            How to read a Film: james Monaco
13.            Film- a reference Guide: Armour
14.            75 years of Indian cinema: Feroz Rangoonwallah
15.            Film Censorship: G.D. Khosla





Paper XVII


New Media Technology

Max. Marks- 80                                                                                  Pass Marks-28
                                                                                                 Time: 3 Hours

Unit I

Communication Technology (CT): Concept and scope of CT and Information Technology ( IT): similarities and differences – Telephony – electronic digital exchange, C-Dot- Pagers, Cellular Telephone. Internet: LAN, MAN, WAN.
Unit II
Web Ownership and Administration of Internet, ISPS, WAP, Types of Internet connections: Dial-up, ISDN, lease-line,Optical fibre: structure, advantage and application; protocols of Internet.
Unit III
Introduction to HTTP, HTML, browsing and browsers, bookmarks, searching: through directory search engine, search resources; Video Conferencing, E-commerce,   Advertising on Internet, Web page development- inserting,  linking, editing ,publishing, promoting and maintaining a website, Mobile Technology and Services

Unit IV
Cyber Journalism: On-line editions of newspapers-management and economics; cyber newspapers-creation, feed, marketing, revenue and expenditure, online editing, e-publishing; security issues on Internet; social, political, legal and ethical issues related IT and CT. Cyber laws in India and recent rule regarding media convergence.

Books Recommended :

1)         Rogers and Singhal India Information Revolution Sage, London.
2)         Bhatnagar subhas information and communication technology in Development., Sage New Delhi.
3)         Melkote Srinivas Communication for Development in Third World Sage Publication, New Delhi. 2001.
4)         Vilaniam J.V. Science Communicational Development , Sage Publication, New Delhi. 1993.
5)         Kanungo Sivraj, Making Information technology Work Sage, Publication, New Delhi.
6)         Peter Zorkoczy, Information Technology, An Intrdoction, East-West Press, New Delhi, 1989
7)         Pande Sudhir Handbook of Satellite Communication, Authors Press, New Delhi 2000
8)         Parekh Harsha, Internet, Knowledge work, Mumbai 1999.

Paper XVII


Inter Cultural Communication

Max. Marks- 80                                                                                  Pass Marks-28
                                                                                                 Time: 3 Hours


Culture – definition – process – culture as social institution – value systems – primary – secondary – Eastern and Western perspectives. Inter-cultural communication – definition – process – philosophical and functional dimensions – cultural symbols in verbal and non-verbal communication.
Communication as a concept in western and eastern cultures (Dwaitha – Adwaitha – Vishishtadwaitha –and also Sufism Bharat Muni Rao Rasaj Sahardiya, Sadharvikaran Language and grammar as a medium of cultural communication.  Linguistic aspects of inter-cultural communication.

Modern mass media as vehicles of inter-cultural communication – barriers in inter-cultural communication – religious, political and economic pressures; intercultural conflicts and communication; impact of new technology on culture; globalization effects on culture and communication; mass media as a culture manufacturing industry.
Culture, communication and folk media – character, content and functions – dance and music as instruments of inter-cultural communication; UNESCO's efforts in the promotion of intercultural communication – other organizations – code of ethics, study some intercultural centres such as Ellora and Intercultaral centres such as Shirdi, Deras of Sirsa,Some temples of Kurukshetra

Books Recommended :

1.         Communications and culture - M.R. Dua and T. Manonmani Galgotia publishing House, New Delhi, 1997
2.         Mass Communication Theory By Denis Mcquail, Sage Publication, London, 1994.
3.         Methods for intercultural Research Edited by William B. Gudykunst Yong Yun Kim, Sage Publication, New Delhi. 1994.
4.         What is cultural studies and Edited by John Storey, Published by Arnold, London, 1997
5.         Communication Yearbook 1/12, James Andersan Sage Publication, 1989.
6.         International Encyclopedia of Comm. Vol. 2, Oxford University Press, New York, 1989.
7.         Cross cultural Communication By N.L. Gupta, Concept publishing company, New Delhi, 1998.
8.         Dr. Dharurkar, V. L. Mass Communication and Culture, Ramrjya Aurangabad, 1985.
9.         SomorLed Leyed, Press in Developing Countries, Allied Publication, New Delhi.
10.       Paul Heas and pull B.R. & Dighe Anita Mass Media and Village life , Sage Publication, New Delhi.
11.       Desai A. R., Rural Sociology
12.       Agriculture Journalism
13.       Hiigvektm Anki The Third World in Global Development MacMillan London, 1982.





Media Production (Practical)                                                          

Max. Marks- 100                                                                               Pass Marks-40

Students will be required to prepare/produce the following Assignments during the session and submit in the Department before 31st March.  An External and an Internal Examiner will evaluate their work in a Viva.
1.         Script of Talk Show                                        One
2          Script  Current Affairs programme                 One
3          Script Radio News Bulletin                            Two
4          Script TV News Bulletin                                Two
5          Piece to Camera                                              Three
6          Radio/TV Anchoring                                      Three Each
7          Print/TV /Radio Interview                              One Each
8          News Dispatch                                                One
9          Media Survey of some Village                       One
10        Semiotic analysis of a TV Programme            One
11        Preparation of Questionnaire                          One
12        Out Door Publicity Design                             Ten
13        Making of Wall Paper                                     One
14        Photo Feature                                                  Two
15        MockTV Ads.                                                 Three
16        Radio News Bulletin (Recorded on Tape)     Two
17        Radio Message on Social Issued(  ,,)              Three
18        Power Point Presentation of a Product (In a CD)      One

Group Exercises:

1          Panel Discussion                                             Three
2          Radio Jingles                                                   Three
3          Budget Review                                               One
4          Newspaper/Magazine Analysis                       One
5          Story Board Presentation                                One
6          Phone in Programme (15 mins.)                      One
7          Agricultural Programme                                  One





Paper IXX

                                                Media Arts

Max. Marks- 80                                                                                  Pass Marks-28
                                                                                                 Time: 3 Hours


Concept and Philosophy of graphics and production, Elements of Design, Principles of design (design syntax), Type and type faces, Choosing types in design layout, Layout, Composing methods, Desktop publishing, Visual copy of reproduction, Colour and production aspects, Printing paper, Costing and estimating


Introduction to various type of print publication: Leaflets, Booklets, Brochures, Newspaper, posters, Books, Folders, Packages


Still Photography: Origin and History, Camera parts and type of Cameras, Photographic techniques-Exposing, Developing and Printing,  Colour Photography, Special Photographic Techniques


Introduction to Audio Visual Production,Basics of audio Recording, basics of film production Techniques, Basics of Video Production Techniques, Sound & Slide Productions.

Books Recommended :

1    Graphics and Production By N.N.Sarkar
2    An Intrdoction to Information Technology, Peter Zorkoczy, East-West Press, New Delhi, 1989
3    Bhatnagar subhas information and communication technology in Development., Sage New Delhi.
4    Mass Communication in India By Kewal J.Kumar
5    Art and print Production By:N.N.Sarkar Publication –Oxford University Press,USA
6    The Art directors Annual 88 By;Art Director Club Publisher-Rotovision
7    A Hompage to Typography-Pedro Guitton Publisher –Index Book
8    Typomag By: Laura Mesquer Punblisher- Index Books.
9    Video Production By Vasuki Belavadi Publisher-Oxford University Press,USA.


Paper XX

                                                Development Communication
Max. Marks- 80                                                                                  Pass Marks-28
                                                                                                            Time: 3 Hours

Development:- Definition, Concept, Scope & Importance. Social change, modernization and Development.  Characteristics of developed and underdeveloped  Societies.  Theories of Development: Social, Political & Economic Theory.  Models of development-Western, Eastern, Gandhian, Schumacher’s, Development communication:Concept, Definition & process.


Role  of Government, Public Sector Companies, NGO’s , National and International bodies in Development.  Problems faced in effective communication, Role of information and instruction in development.  Media and development Communication role of traditional media and Community Newspapers. Indian experience of Development communication:Etawah project, Nilokheri Project IBVE of Udaya Vani, Indices of development, characteristic features of developing societies.  Setting up of a NGO; its rules and regulations, funding agencies, procedures and rules.


Principles of Social Marketing:-Introduction, Designing and Distribution of Social Products.  Role of Social Marketing in changing Public behavior. Social Marketing Environm,ent , Identifying the target market, Monitoring and Evaluation social marketing programmes Major Social issues in India: Population Environment and Pollution, Human Rights, health and Sanitation, communal harmony, IRO, Drug Addiction, Prohibition,Poverty, Women& Child Development, Unemployment.


Concept, Role and Importance to Rural communication, Characteristics of rural society,Components of rural Communication, Case Studies of Communication
Support to Agriculture.  Electronic Media and Agricultural Development  programme.  Rural Journalism writing for rural readers.  Scope and Problems of Rural journalist.  Site, KhedaTV. Experiment, Chhatera.   Experiment  to The Hindustan Times, Need and scope of an Agricultural TV. Channel in India.

Suggested Readings:
1                    Development Communication by G.N.S.Raghavan.
2                    Perspectives on Development Communication by Sadananan Nair.
3                    Development, & Communication by Michael Kunczik, Friedrich Everi  Stiftung & Bonn
4                    India 2005, Publications Division, New Delhi
5                    Communication in Global Village by Vivek Bhattacharya, Chetna Publications, New Delhi
6                    Rural Press: Problems & Porspects by Press Institute of India, new Delhi
7                     Extension & Rural Welfare by O.P.Dahan R.P & Sons Agra.
8                    Vikas Patrakarita by Radheshyam Sharma(Hindi)
9                    Communication And social Development in India by B. Kuppuswami Sterling Pub. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
10                Sanchar aur Vikas by S. C. Dubey, IIAS, Shimla
11                TV & Social Change in India, hohnson, SAGE.
12                Information Technology & Development Communication by Brijnath Singh, Dominant Pub. New Delhi.



Paper XXI

 Media Law & Ethics
Max.Marks:80                                                                                     Mini.Marks:28
                                                                                                            Time 3 hours

Nature and scope of Media Law; Fundamental rights, Freedom of speech and expressing and their limits, Directive principals of State Policy, Provisions of declaring emergency and their effects on Media .  
Provision for Legislature reporting, parliamentary privileges and Media, Guidelines for Parliamentary coverage and AIR Code of election coverage, Doordarshan commercial code, ASCI commercial code, Contemporary ethical issues of Electronic Media.
Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867, laws on defamation, Contempt of Courts, Official secret Act, Film censorship, Working Journalist Act and Copyright Act, Indecent representation of Women Act, RTI Act-2005

Prasar Bharti Act, Cable Television Network Regulation Act 1995, Broadcasting Bill, Information technology Act 2000, Press Council and Press commission.

Suggested Readings:
1.         Relevant Sections of IPC from Criminal Law Manual, Universal
2.         Constitution of India (Article 19 (1) and 19 (2) 105, 194)The Law Dictionary,Universal
3.         Vidisha Barua Press & Media Law Manual, Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
4.         P.K. Ravindranath Press Laws and Ethics of Journalism, Author Press,New Delhi
5.         R.K.Ravindrana Press in the Indian Constitution
6.         K.S. Venkateshwaran Mass Media Laws and Regulations in India,Published by Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre, Distributed by N M Tripathi Pvt. Ltd. Bombay
7.         Dr. Ambrish Saxena Freedom of Press and Right to Information in India,Kanishka Publication, New Delhi





Paper XXII

                                                General Awareness-II
Max. Marks- 80                                                                                  Pass Marks-28
                                                                                                            Time: 3 Hours


Indian political System,Indian Constitution, Indian political and administration system.  Election process,  Indian Judiciary system,  Indian political thought, India’s relation with other countries: Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, China, United Kingdom, United State


Human Rights,Fundamental Rights, concept of Human Rights, NHRC, IHRO, Amnesty International, Human Rights, Violations and Remedies, Women, children, Minorities and Human Rights, human Rights, Terrorism and Security Forces


International Political and Economic scene:Cold war and after, Disintegration of the USSR,  Reason behind failure  of communism in East European countries, West Asia Peace, Indian and the African continents, India and the latin America., India and the Gulf, Unified Europe


Major current national & international developments during the semester

Suggested Readings:
1.      General Awarness: V.S.Gupta
2.      General Current Awarness: Unique Publication,N.Delhi
3.      General Knowledge Advance: Tata Mcran
4.      Indian Economy by Rudra Dutt.
5.      Govt. of India Survey Book
6.      Survey of India Industries ,2009




Max. Marks- 80                                                                                  Pass Marks-28

                                                                                                 Time: 3 Hours


 Fundamental of Photo Journalism, Role & Responsibilities of photojournalist, qualities for good photojournalist, production personnel: Roles & Responsibilities, how to handle video camera.
 Types of TV cameras: Studio camera, Portable camera (ENG EFP), camcorder. , Digital Camera and its advantages over conventional analog cameras.·· How video tape recorder works.· Tape formats.· ¾- Inch Umatic Format : Low band & High band. ½- Inch format: VHS & Beta cam, Digital.· CCU, Waveform monitor, Vectroscope ,Camera shots and camera movements
 Objective of television lighting.· Three point lighting technique(Key light,Fill light & Back Light). Contrast ratio.· Nature of natural light. Gadgets for controlling natural light.· Basic concept of Exposure,
 Artificial lighting equipments· Types of lamps in use & their efficiency..(Incandescent, halogen, HMI)· Halogen Cycle.
1. J J Langford : Basic Photography
2. Manual of Photography : Focal Press
3. Five Cs of Cinematography : Joseph V. Mascelli
4. Television Production : Allen Wartzel
5. American Cinematographer’s Manual
6. J J Langford, Basic photography
7. Manual of Photography, Focal Press
8. Joseph V. Mascelli, Five Cs of cinematography
9. Allen Wartzel, Television production
10. American Cinematographer’s Manual


                                                            Creative Writing
Max. Marks- 80                                                                      Pass Marks-28
                                                                                                 Time: 3 Hours


Origin of Writing Script: Fundamentals of writing, Introduction to writing, Lucidity and directness, Authenticity and credibility, Authorial voice


Various forms of writing: Essays, short stories, Poetry, Novels


Structure of writing: Preparation Introduction Body Conclusion Presentation, Content Style, Coherency and Consistency, Transition.


Dialogues: Imagery, Art symbols, Situations, Preparing index, Preparing glossary, Compiling bibliography.

Paper XXIV

Max.Marks:100                                                                                   Pass Marks:40

            Each Student, in consultation with the faculty, will select a topic for research in the beginning of MMC-IV semester. The students will conduct independent study under the supervisor/Guide assigned to them. The students should employ appropriate Research Methodology & generate some new information.  Each student will have to submit four typed copies of the research report by the end of the month of March.